Let G(V, E) be a simple, finite and planar graph of order p and size q. In this paper, the concept of Fuzzy Quotient-3 Cordial Labeling was introduced. Let σ : V (G) → [0, 1] be a function defined by σ (v) = r 10 , r ∈ Z 4 − {0}. For each edge uv define µ : E(G) → [0, 1] by µ(uv) = 1 10 3σ (u) σ (v) where σ (u) ≤ σ (v). The function σ is called fuzzy quotient-3 cordial labeling of G if the number of vertices labeled with i and the number of vertices labeled with j differ by at most 1, the number of edges labeled with i and the number of edges labeled with j differ by at most 1 where i, j ∈ r 10 , r ∈ Z 4 − {0} , i = j. The number of vertices having label i denotes v σ (i) and the number of edges having label i denotes e µ (i). Here it is proved that the Star graph and Star related graphs are Fuzzy Quotient-3 Cordial.