Although single and two-qubit gates are sufficient for universal quantum computation, single-shot three-qubit gates greatly simplify quantum error correction schemes and algorithms. We design fast, high-fidelity three-qubit entangling gates based on microwave pulses for transmon qubits coupled through a superconducting resonator. We show that when interqubit frequency differences are comparable to single-qubit anharmonicities, errors occur primarily through a single unwanted transition. This feature enables the design of fast three-qubit gates based on simple analytical pulse shapes that are engineered to minimize such errors. We show that a three-qubit ccz gate can be performed in 260 ns with fidelities exceeding 99.38%, or 99.99% with numerical optimization.Quantum information processing is one of the most exciting and rapidly growing fields of modern science, in large part due to quantum algorithms, which promise exponential speedup in solving important problems. Quantum two-level systems (qubits) are the fundamental carriers of quantum information, and among the most promising of these are qubits based on superconducting circuits [1,2]. Such an architecture is attractive because of the mature circuit fabrication technology and the ability to couple qubits together via resonators to implement logic gates [3].For universal quantum computing, a certain set of high-fidelity logic gates suffices to implement any algorithm; this set is comprised of single-qubit gates along with one maximally entangling two-qubit gate. Threequbit gates, which play a prominent role in algorithms, can be decomposed in terms of a sequence of single-and two-qubit gates [4]. In the case of a maximally entangling three-qubit control-control-z (ccz) gate (described below), one must perform seven single-qubit gates and six entangling two-qubit gates, as shown in Fig. 1. The large number of gates needed makes it natural to explore whether a direct, single-shot three-qubit gate is preferable in terms of speed and fidelity.There are two ways to implement logic gates in superconducting qubit systems. One is via tuning of the energy levels, which brings states into and out of resonance. The other is via oscillating microwave fields that induce transitions between energy levels, which offers the advantage of less susceptibility to charge noise. Both approaches face the challenge of spectral crowding in these systems, especially in the context of superconducting transmon qubits where each qubit is a weakly anharmonic oscillator out of which the two lowest levels are selected to encode information [5]. In the case of many qubits coupled together, there is a large number of closely spaced transitions that need to be avoided during quantum gate operations. Generically, a way to avoid unwanted transitions is to consider the time-energy uncertainty principle, which tells us to make the operations slow. In realistic systems, however, this is not an option, as we need to perform operations at a time scale that is much faster than decay and decoherence. ...