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Non-technical SummaryEconomic theory suggests that nancing constraints may occur due to capital market imperfections. These particularly aect investments in innovation projects as such projects are typically characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, complexity and specicity.Financing innovation externally is thus likely to be more costly compared to nancing of other investment. Hence, internal sources of nancing are crucial for the implementation of innovation projects. However, internal funds are not inexhaustible either. , then the rm must have had some unexploited investment opportunities that were not protable using more costly external nance'. That is, these rms have been nancially constrained. This study contributes to the literature in the following three main aspects. First, we employ a direct indicator derived from survey information in which rms were oered a hypothetical cash payment. Second, we account for the rm's choice between alternatives of use for the money. Third, we introduce the concept of innovative capability and how it aects nancing constraints for innovation.The results from our econometric analysis show that nancial constraints for innovation do not depend on the availability of funds per se, but are driven by innovative capability through increasing resource requirements. That is, rms with high innovative capability but low nancial resources are more likely constrained than others. Yet, we also observe constraints for nancially sound rms that may have to put some of their ideas on the shelf. Firms with low innovative capability choose other options, such as investment in physical capital. Taking account of all options for usage of the additional money, we further nd in contrast to the innovation decision, the decision to serve debt is to a large extent driven by the nancial background. Firms with low internal funds or a bad credit rating would primarily repay debt instead of investing additional cash in innovation projects. Abstract: This study presents a novel empirical approach to identify nancing constraints for innovation based on the idea of an ideal test as suggested by Hall (2008). Firms were oered a hypothetical payment and were asked to choose between alternatives of use. If they choose additional innovation projects they must have had some unexploited investment opportunities that were not protable using more costly external...