During the research, 15 genotypes of grain crop (4 spiecies of Hordeum and 11 of Triticum) from the genbank collection of the Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology were studied. The gluten locus of all studied cultivated and wild species is polymorphic consisting of GluA, GluB, GluC, GluD, GluE alleles. Moreover, GluB, GluC and GluD alleles have the highest meeting frequency, it is 82.35%. The GluE allele has the lowest frequency of occurrence at 41.17%. The following genotypes were formed in the gluten locus: GluAA, AB, BB, BC, CC, CD, DE, EE, EF, the frequency of which is equal to 47.05, 29.53, 70.58, 82.35, 76.47, 17.65, 52.94, 35.29, 23.53 and 23.53%. The highest frequency was recorded for GluBC genotype (82.35%), and the lowest for GluAB, EE, EF (25.53%) genotypes. In the studied species of wild barley, homozygosity is 60-100%, in the case of wild wheat - 66.7-71.42%. Indicators are close to the genetic makeup of free-breeding populations. It ranges from 50-80% in wheat amphidiploids and 25-60% in non-amphidiploids. The genetic similarity index of wild barley species ranges from 0.488 to 0.648, which indicates a unique and rich biodiversity. Meanwhile, it is quite high (r=0.844) in wild types of wheat. For amphidiploid x wild einkorn wheat, it is 0.982-0.982. In other cases, the genetic similarity index ranges from 0.488 to 0.648.