We study the impact of R-parity violating Supersymmetry (RPV SUSY) on the 125 GeV Higgs production and decay modes at the LHC. We assume a heavy SUSY spectrum with multi-TeV squarks and SU(2) scalar singlets as well as the decoupling limit in the SUSY Higgs sector. In this case the lightest CP-even Higgs is SM-like when R-parity is conserved. In contrast, we show that when R-parity violating interactions are added to the SUSY framework, significant deviations may occur in some production and decay channels of the 125 GeV Higgs-like state. Indeed, we assume a single-flavor (mostly third generation) Bilinear RPV (BRPV) interactions, which generate Higgs-sneutrino mixing, lepton-chargino mixing and neutrino-neutralino mixing, and find that notable deviations of O(20−30%) may be expected in the Higgs signal strength observables in some channels, e.g., in pp → h → µ + µ − , τ + τ − . Moreover, we find that new and detectable signals associated with BRPV Higgs decays to gauginos, h → ν τχ 0 2 and h → τ ± χ ∓ 2 , may also arise in this scenario. These decays yield a typical signature of h → τ ± ∓ + E T ( = e, µ, τ ) that can be much larger than in the SM, and may also be accompanied by an O(20 − 30%) enhancement in the di-photon signal pp → h → γγ. We also examine potential interesting signals of Trilinear R-parity violation (TRPV) interactions in the production and decays of the Higgs-sneutrino BRPV mixed state (assuming it is the 125 GeV scalar) and show that, in this case also, large deviations up to O(100%) are expected in e.g., pp → h → µ + µ − , τ + τ − , which are sensitive to the BRPV×TRPV coupling product.1 The CP-odd scalar mass matrix, m 2 O , has a massless state which corresponds to the Goldstone boson. 2 We note that too large values of δB may drive (depending on the other free-parameters in the Higgs sector) the lightest mass-squared eigenstates of both the CP-even and CP-odd mass matrices to non-physical negative values. We will thus demand non-negative mass-squared physical eigenvalues for the CP-even and CP-odd physical states by bounding δB accordingly.