“…While the latter includes the type 2 and 4 PIVs, the former possesses type 1 (human hPIV1 and mouse Sendai virus) and type 3 (hPIV3 and bovine PIV3, a causative agent for shipping fever) PIVs. Animals known to be infected with PIV3s other than the human and bovine species include hamster (Craighead et al, 1960), cotton rat (Murphy et al, 1981;Porter et al, 1991), guinea pig (Henricks et al, 1993) and rabbit (Holmes & Ramsay, 1988), but only under laboratory conditions. The nucleic acid similarity of the The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession numbers for the hPIV3 sequences reported in this paper are AB195612 for B12 NP, AB189962 for KK24 NP, AB195610 for KK24 L, AB189960 for KK24 HN, AB195613 for BRD NP, AB195611 for BRD L and AB189961 for BRD HN. open reading frame (ORF) of the HN gene among hPIV3 sequences deposited in GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ is >93 %.…”