We propose an alternative route to transport experiments for detecting Majorana bound states (MBSs) by combining topological superconductivity with quantum optics in a superconducting pnjunction containing a quantum dot (QD). We consider a topological superconductor (TSC) hosting two Majorana bound states at its boundary (n-side). Within an effective low-energy model, the MBSs are coherently tunnel-coupled to a spin-split electron level on the QD which is placed close to one of the MBSs. Holes on the QD are tunnel-coupled to a normal conducting reservoir (pside). Via electron-hole recombination, photons in the optical range are emitted, which have direct information on the MBS-properties through the recombined electrons. Using a master equation approach, we calculate the polarization-resolved photon emission intensities (PEIs). In the weak coupling regime between MBSs and QD, we find an analytical expression for the PEI which allows to clearly distinguish the cases of well separated MBSs at zero energy from overlapping MBSs. For separated MBSs, the Majorana spinor-polarization is given by the relative widths of the two PEI peaks associated with the two spin states on the QD. For overlapping MBSs, a coupling to the distant (nonlocal) MBS causes a shift of the emission peaks. Additionally, we show that quasiparticle poisoning (QP) influences the PEI drastically and changes its shot noise from super-Poissonian to sub-Poissonian. In the strong coupling regime, more resonances emerge in the PEI due to spinmixing effects. Finally, we comment on how our proposal could be implemented using a Majorana nanowire.