Exposures to antioxidants (AO) are associated with levels of
C-reactive protein (CRP), but the pattern of evidence is mixed, due in part
to studying each potential AO, one at a time, when multiple AO exposures
might affect CRP levels.
Studying multiple AO via a composite indicator approach, we estimate
the degree to which serum CRP level is associated with serum AO level.
Standardized field survey protocols for the United States
National-Health-and-Nutrition-Examination-Survey 2003–2006 yield
nationally representative cross-sectional samples of adults age
20-years-and-older (NHANES, n=8,841). NHANES
latex-enhanced-nephelometry quantified serum CRP levels.
Liquid-chromatography quantified serum concentrations of vitamins A, E, and
C, and carotenoids. Using structural equations, we regressed CRP level on AO
levels, and derived a summary estimate for a composite of these potential
antioxidants (CPA), with covariates held constant.
The association linking CPA with CRP is inverse, stronger for
slightly elevated CRP (1.8 mg/L=< CRP <10mg/L;
slope= −1.08; 95% CI=−1.39,
−0.77), and weaker for highly elevated CRP
(>=10mg/L; slope= −0.52, 95%
CI=−0.68, −0.35), with little change when covariates
are added. A &C vitamins, as well as lutein + zeaxanthin,
are prominent contributors to the composite.
In these cross-sectional data studied via a composite indicator
approach, CPA level and CRP level are inversely related. The stage is set
for more confirmatory longitudinal or intervention research on multiple
vitamins. The composite indicator approach might be most useful in
epidemiology when several exposure constructs are too weakly
inter-correlated to be studied via formal measurement models for underlying
latent dimensions.