OBJECTIVE: Physiologic breast milk production in the first 24 hours is estimated to be between 2-10 ml per feed. Many mothers intending to breastfeed use formula supplementation (FS) early on, which can affect successful breastfeeding. Whether the volume and timing of FS introduced in the first 24 hours of life (24 HOL) impacts the rate of “breastfeeding at discharge” (BFAD) is not well studied and was investigated herein.
STUDY DESIGN: Single-center retrospective chart review of breastfeeding infants born at ≥ 35 weeks who received supplementation in the 1st 24 HOL. Comprehensive demographic data pertaining to maternal and infant characteristics, along with infant feeding data, were collected. Four supplementation characteristics, [timing, rate, volume (ml/kg per feed), and type (EBM or formula)] were correlated with BFAD.
RESULTS: Among 3102 supplemented infants in whom mothers intended to breastfeed, 1031 (33.2%) infants were BFAD. At baseline African American, Medicaid-insured, and single mothers had lower odds of BFAD. The overall maximum volume of FS per feed was 11.0 ml/kg (IQR 8.0-14.4). With each hour of delay in 1st supplementation, the odds of BFAD increased by 2.8% (95% CI [.022,.035]). With every 1ml/kg increase in the 1st formula volume, subsequent supplementation frequency increased by 4.5%. A positive association was observed between BFAD and a lower rate of supplementation (cut-off value: ≤35.1%). However, among infants with these lower rates of supplementation, each unit increase in maximum FS, from 2 to 15 ml/kg, decreased the probability of BFAD by 4.2% (3.6-4.7). Additionally, we observed that infants who were given at least one EBM supplementation [n=223; 7.2%] had substantially increased rates of BFAD [OR = 9.8, 95% CI 7.2-13.3].
CONCLUSION: Early and higher volumes of FS negatively impacted breastfeeding at discharge. Birth weight-based FS of feeding with physiological volumes may increase breastfeeding rates at discharge.