IntroductionOver the years, various electrocardiographic criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) have been developed. The more widely used criteria are the Romhilt-Estes scoring system [1], the Sokolow-Lyon index [2] and the Cornell voltage criterion [3]. Sensitivity is generally low for all criteria but specificity varies from being acceptable to poor. For this reason, new criteria are sought. Due to the small numbers of patients used in studies on proposed criteria, the results obtained can sometimes be misleading.A recent publication proposed a new criterion, namely the Peguero/Lo Presti ECG criterion for LVH [4]. The criterion was:Max S wave amplitude + S wave amplitude in V4 > 2.8mV for males or 2.3mV for females.In their paper, the authors reported an improved sensitivity index (62%) compared to more commonly used criteria, as well as a high specificity (90%). The population used for the study consisted of a small number of patients (47 males, 47 females, mean age 54±17 years) with LVH proven by echocardiography and a similar number of patients in a control group (59 males, 63 females, mean age 68±15 years). The authors listed the small sample size as a limitation of the study.The aim of the present study was to assess the specificity of the new criterion on a larger study population of healthy individuals, with particular attention to the value of the index for different age groups within each gender group.
MethodsA dataset of apparently healthy Caucasian adults was used in the study. 1496 ECGs were analysed of which 859 were from males). The age range of the cohort was 18 to 82 years. The ECGs were analysed using version 28 of the University of Glasgow 12 Lead resting ECG analysis program (Glasgow program) [5]. The required wave measurements were extracted and the new Peguero/Lo Presti index was calculated. The SokolowLyon index (SV1 + RV5 amplitude) and the Cornell voltage (SV3 + RaVL amplitude) were also calculated.ECGs were sub-divided into age groups for males and females, namely 18-29, 30-39, 40-49 and ≥50 years. Counts were made of the number of cases that met the required thresholds for each index within each age and sex category within the Glasgow program, and resulting specificity was noted. Counts were also obtained of the number of cases that reported LVH using the Glasgow criteria. The Glasgow program uses a combination of the Romhilt-Estes criteria and the Cornell criteria.
ResultsThe specificity values are shown in Table 1. The numbers of cases meeting the Peguero/Lo Presti criterion is high in the age groups 18-29 and 30-39 years. Of the 417 females under 40, 99 (23.7%) met the criteria. Of the 448 males, 199 (44.4%) met the criteria.