Abstract. Let R be a ring, and let M be a left R-module. If M is Radsupplementing, then every direct summand of M is Rad-supplementing, but not each factor module of M . Any finite direct sum of Rad-supplementing modules is Rad-supplementing. Every module with composition series is (Rad-)supplementing. M has a Rad-supplement in its injective envelope if and only if M has a Rad-supplement in every essential extension. R is left perfect if and only if R is semilocal, reduced and the free left R-module ( R R) (N) is Rad-supplementing if and only if R is reduced and the free left R-module ( R R) (N) is ample Rad-supplementing. M is ample Rad-supplementing if and only if every submodule of M is Rad-supplementing. Every left R-module is (ample) Rad-supplementing if and only if R/P (R) is left perfect, where P (R) is the sum of all left ideals I of R such that Rad I = I.