20The identification of structural variations in genomes using next-generation sequencing approaches 21 greatly facilitates the study of genetic and genomic diseases. The data generated using these 22 approaches also provide interesting new means to examine DNA repair, recombination, and 23 replication to better understand sources of genomic instability. To better utilize this data, we 24 developed SCARR (Systematic Combination of Alignments to Recreate Rearrangements) to identify 25 DNA rearrangements, and used it to examine the occurrence of orientation-reversing events in human 26 and budding yeast genomes. SCARR exceeds the sensitivity of previous genome sequencing 27 approaches, and identifies rearrangements genome-wide with base-pair resolution, which helps 28 provide insights into the mechanisms involved in their formation. We find that short-range orientation-29 reversing events occur at high rates in both human and yeast genomes. We quantified these 30 rearrangements in yeast strains lacking various DNA repair factors, and propose that these short-31 range events often occur through template-switching events within a replication fork. We hypothesize 32 that this mechanism may act as an error-prone alternative to fork reversal to restart stalled replication 33 forks.
343 57 mitochondria using next-generation sequencing [11]. This type of approach revealed that these 58 events in organelles are also favored by sequence similarities as short as 5 bases, and may even 59 occur in the absence of homology. The circumstances leading to their formation, as well as their 60 possible consequences, remain poorly understood due to the challenges involved in their detection by 61 traditional biochemical methods [12].
62The rapidly expanding repositories of next-generation sequencing data have opened several new 63 avenues for understanding genomic instability including its roles in evolution and genomic diseases. A 64 landmark study in the field identified tens of thousands of SVs within the human genome [2], which 65 included deletions, duplications, insertions, as well as a small number of inversions. New 66 computational approaches to detect and investigate SVs continue to be developed to improve 67 detection rates and focus on specific types of SVs, such as the harder to detect inversions [13][14][15].
68Nevertheless, complex SVs such as those that result from FoSTeS and other template-switching 69 events often remain undetected by current next-generation sequencing analysis pipelines.
70To avoid a bias for simple SVs, we developed SCARR (Systematic Combination of Alignments to 71 Recreate Rearrangements), which uses no a priori assumptions about the relative positions of DNA 72 sequences around a breakpoint. SCARR instead iterates through all possible genome-wide alignment 73 combinations to find the best match. Using this approach, it is possible to identify deletions, tandem 74 duplications and breakpoints resulting from template-switching events at base-pair resolution with 75 reasonable accuracy. Consequently...