Introduction: Forearm arteries are frequently used as workhorse site for cardiac catheterization, bypass grafting and haemodialysis access. There is paucity of data on palmar circulation in live human being and only cadaveric data are available till date. We, therefore, made an attempt to look at the various patterns of sufficient or insufficient palmar arch circulation and various anomalies of forearm arteries, to discuss their clinical implications. Methods and results: We obtained the forearm and hand arteriograms of patients (n ¼ 302) through radial (n ¼ 200) and ulnar routes (n ¼ 102). Modified Allen's test was normal in all of our patients. On the basis of predetermined parameters angiograms were analysed and findings were divided into three groups. These three groups were further classified as type A, type B, type C superficial palmar arch. Conclusion: We concluded that type A superficial palmar arch is most suitable for providing adequate collateral circulation in case of harvesting of forearm vessel, whereas type C superficial palmar arch appears to be highly susceptible for digital ischemia in case of radial or ulnar artery occlusion. Modified Allen's test alone is not justifiable for documenting good collateral circulation and it should be supplemented by other tests to document good collateral circulation before proceeding to any radical procedure.