As partially molten rocks deform, they develop melt preferred
orientations, shape preferred orientations, and crystallographic
preferred orientations (MPOs, SPOs and CPOs). We investigated the
co-evolution of these preferred orientations in experimentally deformed
partially molten rocks, then calculated the influence of MPO and CPO on
seismic anisotropy. Olivine-basalt aggregates containing 2 to 4 wt%
melt were deformed in general shear at a temperature of 1250°C under a
confining pressure of 300 MPa at shear stresses of τ = 0 to 175 MPa to
shear strains of γ = 0 to 2.3. Grain-scale melt pockets developed a MPO
parallel to the maximum principal stress, s1, at γ < 0.4. At
higher strains, the grain-scale MPO remained parallel to s1, but
incipient, sample-scale melt bands formed at ~20° to s1.
An initial SPO and CPO were induced during sample preparation, with
[100] and [001] axes girdled perpendicular to the long axis of
the sample. At the highest explored strain, a strong SPO was
established, and the [100] axes of the CPO clustered nearly parallel
to the shear plane. Our results demonstrate that grain-scale and
sample-scale alignments of melt pockets are distinct. Furthermore, the
melt and the solid microstructures evolve on different timescales: in
planetary bodies, changes in the stress field will first drive a
relatively rapid reorientation of the melt network, followed by a
relatively slow realignment of the crystallographic axes. Rapid changes
to seismic anisotropy in a deforming partially molten aggregate are thus
caused by MPO rather than CPO.