Objective: It was the aim of this study to investigate radiation doses for commonly performed paediatric X-ray examinations (skull, chest, abdomen and pelvis) in public hospitals in Kuwait in order to establish national reference or guidance dose levels. Materials and Method: Exposure factors used for six commonly performed X-ray examinations – antero-posterior (AP) chest, lateral chest, AP abdomen, AP skull, lateral skull and AP pel vis – were obtained from various hospitals, and entrance surface doses (ESD) were measured using a Victoreen model 660 survey meter. Effective doses (E) and the corresponding risk of developing fatal malignancies were calculated using published conversion factors and methods recommended by the International Commission of Radiological Protection for newborn babies to 1-year-old infants. Results: The range of ESD values was 26– 668 µGy for newborn babies and 40–700 µGy for 1-year- old infants. The range of E values was about 4–150 µSv for the two age groups. The risk of developing long-term stochastic effects due to radiation exposure ranges between 0.6 and 23.4 per million. Conclusion: The range of ESD values, E values and risk of development of fatal malignancies obtained in this study can be used as a guide for the risk-benefit analysis of an X-ray examination for newborn babies and 1-year-old infants. Tube voltages used for these examinations should be kept above 60 kV, whenever possible, to minimise the radiation dose.