Lung lesions can increase the CT number and affect the water-equivalent diameter (Dw), Dw-based conversion factor (CFw), and Dw-based size-specific dose estimate (SSDEw). We evaluated the effect of COVID-19 lesions and total severity score (TSS) on radiation dose considering the effect of automatic tube current modulation (ATCM) and fixed tube current (FTC). A total of 186 chest CT scans were categorised into five TSS groups, including healthy, minimal, mild, moderate and severe. The effective diameter (Deff), Dw, CFw, Deff-based conversion factor (CFeff), volume computed tomography dose index (CTDIVol), pathological dose impact factor (PDIF) 1 and SSDEw were calculated. TSS was correlated with Dw (r = 0.29, p-value = 0.001), CTDIVol (ATCM) (r = 0.23, p = 0.001) and PDIF (r = − 0.51, p-value = 0.001). $\overline{{\mathrm{SSDE}}_{\mathrm{w}}}$ (FTC) was significantly different among all groups. $\overline{{\mathrm{SSDE}}_{\mathrm{w}}}$ (ATCM) was greater for moderate (13%) and mild (14%) groups. Increasing TSS increase the Dw and causes a decrease in CFw and $\overline{{\mathrm{SSDE}}_{\mathrm{w}}}$ (FTC), and can increase $\overline{{\mathrm{SSDE}}_{\mathrm{w}}}$ (ATCM) in some Dw ranges.