We calculate the angular dependence of the power of stimulated terahertz amplified radiation (STAR) emitted from a dc voltage applied across a stack of intrinsic Josephson junctions. During coherent emission, we assume a spatially uniform ac Josephson current density in the stack acts as a surface electric current density antenna source, and the cavity features of the stack are contained in a magnetic surface current density source. A superconducting substrate acts as a perfect magnetic conductor with H ||,ac = 0 on its surface. The combined results agree very well with recent experimental observations. Existing Bi2Sr2CaCu2O 8+δ crystals atop perfect electric conductors could have Josephson STAR-emitter power in excess of 5 mW, acceptable for many device applications.PACS numbers: 07.57. Hm, 74.50.+r, 85.25.Cp At present, broad-band terahertz (THz) electromagnetic (EM) waves generated from femtosecond laser pulses and monochromatic THz waves generated by laser mixing, parametric resonance techniques, and quantum cascade lasers, etc., are the most common THz sources [1]. But these techniques are not cost effective in the "THz gap" region 0.1-10 THz required for many important applications. After many years of effort, by application of a static voltage across the intrinsic Josephson junctions in Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8+δ (BSCCO) mesas, coherent radiation power of 0.5 µW was achieved [2]. The same technique on different samples since led to radiation power of 5 µW and an output efficiency of 3×10 −4 [3]. This is an exciting development, as the "THz gap" may soon be filled.In both experiments, the onset of the intense, coherent THz radiation occurs in or near to the region in the current-voltage (I − V ) characteristic of negative differential resistance (NDR), as for the Gunn effect in Ge [4]. In the absence of more precise information, we assume that the stack of Josephson junctions acts partly as a cavity, in order to amplify the coherent radiation at the fundamental Josephson angular frequency ω J and possibly its harmonics, and partly as a conductor with an ac Josephson current, J ac (x ′ , t) = J(x ′ ) ∞ n=1 a n sin(nω J t), where ω J = 2eV 0 /(Nh) is the Josephson angular frequency, V 0 is the dc voltage applied across the coherent stack of N ≈ 10 3 junctions, e is the electric charge,h is the Planck constant divided by 2π, and a n is the relative amplitude of the nth harmonic of the intrinsic ac Josephson current. The effective radiation sources at the mesa edges are respectively the surface magnetic current M S arising from the electric field in the cavity generated by the non-uniform part of J ac (x ′ , t) [6], and the surface electric current J S arising from the uniform part of J ac (x ′ , t), as sketched in Fig. 1 (a). These sources are obtained from the Faraday and Ampère boundary conditions, respectively [5,6], as used previously [7,8,9,10,11]. We first assume the mesa is suspended in vacuum. In Lorentz gauge, the vector potentials from the respective radiation sources are [5,6],ǫ, inside and outside ...