Abstract.'This rcport prcsmis an tu-depth review of the potmdal for nudcar critiulity to ucsur in Hmtord defense waste tanks during past. CU:UTTCII~ and future safe Storage and mintcnanCe operations The report also briefly discusses lhe potential impacts of proposed retrieval activities. altliaugh retrieval was not a main focus of smpe. Alter thorough review of fluid dynamic aspects that focus on partrcle segregation, cheinical aspects that focus on solubility and adsorption processes that might concentrate plutonium andlor aeparate plutonium from the neutron absorbers in the lank waste, and ore-body fomatioii and mining operatiuns, the interdiswplin.iry tcam has come to the Conclusion that there IS negligible risk of iluclear critically under existing storage conditions in Hanfurd Site underground wabtr storage tanks. Further, fbr the accident scenarios considered an accidental criticality 16 incredible.The executive summary and suiiimaries at the end of cach brcli~ii 111 which subshidial analyses, calculations or literature interprehtions were perfmncd pmvidc more detailed findings and suppolt tor these conclusions.
TRAOEMARK DISCLAIMERReference herein to any specific c o m e r c i a 1 product, process, or
ACKNOWLEDGHENTSThe authors wish t o thank Ed Lipke, Bob Cash, Dave Nyham, and e s p e c i a l l y Dave Bratzel o f Westinghouse Hanford Company f o r funding t h i s work and keeping us focused on t h e key objectives. We wish t o thank Don Alexander from t h e U.S. Department o f Energy, Richland Operations O f f i c e f o r i n t r o d u c i n g us t o t h e t e c h n i c a l issue and programmatic h i s t o r y . H i s i n s i g h t and p r e l i m i n a r y analyses gave us a good foundation from which t o venture forward. thank Joe Brothers from t h e P a c i f i c Northwest National Laboratory Program O f f i c e f o r g u i d i n g us on protocols, f o r being our l a i s o n t o t h e Westinghouse Hanford Company f i n a n c i a l and program groups, f o r being our advocate i n several programmatic meetings, and f o r reviewing t h e d r a f t document. r e l a t e d work, both published and drafts, and helped guide us t o o t h e r important l i t e r a t u r e o r issues. recognize John Lafemina, Reza Shekarriz, Jun Liu, B r i a n Rapko, Penny Colton, Jim Campbell, Greg Lumetta, Jack Ryan, and
We wish t o acknowledge t h e s t i m u l a t i n g discussions t h a t we had w i t h outside consultants, o t h e r Hanford S i t e s t a f f members, and formal reviewers, who were o f t e n unknown t o us, b u t whose comments on d r a f t m a t e r i a l helped sharpen t h e f i n a l r e p o r t .( p r i v a t e consultant), Nabil Morcos (Idaho National Engineering Laboratory), Dick Vorehm (M. Chew & Associates), Wally Schulz (W23 Company), Roland F e l t , Carole Sohn, and Harry C a l l e y (U.S. Department o f Energy), Jess Greenborg, Lou Rodgers, and Alan Waltar (Westinghouse Hanford Company), Rob Tayloe ( B a t t e l l e Columbus) and Andy Prichard ( P a c i f i c Northwest National Laboratory...