Based on the previous design of a low-frequency, torsional shear-wave transducer ͓A. K. Walden and T. R. Howarth, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91, 2463͑A͒ ͑1992͔͒, an analytical model is proposed to predict its acoustic responses. The torsional radiation impedance as well as the propagation of the displacement field, produced by an SH-wave source of this type, in an elastic medium are investigated using proper boundary conditions. Computed results of the torsional radiation impedance and the radiation patterns are presented for a disk-type transducer placed in an elastic medium that may have various shear stress distributions at the contact plane. Radiated displacements in the near and far field of the transducer are studied in detail. Acoustic responses reveal that the use of SH-wave energy for an in-depth shear wave exploration is quite possible. These results are also useful for the design of an optimal shear-wave transducer in ocean geoacoustics as well as in an increasing number of other applications using shear-wave energy.