Abbreviations: AU, arbitrary units; DSB, DNA double-strand break; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; IRIF, ionizing radiation induced foci; FI, fluorescence intensity; mFISH, multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization; MRN complex, MRE11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex; SD, standard deviation; TIF, telomere-dysfunction induced foci.The presence of gH2AX foci on apparently intact mitotic chromosomes is controversial because they challenge the assumed relationship between gH2AX foci and DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). In this work, we show that after irradiation during interphase, a variety of gH2AX foci are scored in mitotic cells. Surprisingly, approximately 80% of the gH2AX foci spread over apparently undamaged chromatin at Terminal or Interstitial positions and they can display variable sizes, thus being classified as Small, Medium and Big foci. Chromosome and chromatid breaks that reach mitosis are spotted with Big (60%) and Medium (30%) Terminal gH2AX foci, but very rarely are they signaled with Small gH2AX foci. To evaluate if Interstitial gH2AX foci might be signatures of misrejoining, an mFISH analysis was performed on the same slides. The results show that Interstitial gH2AX foci lying on apparently intact chromatin do not mark sites of misrejoining, and that misrejoined events were never signaled by a gH2AX foci during mitosis. Finally, when analyzing the presence of other DNA-damage response (DDR) factors we found that all gH2AX foci-regardless their coincidence with a visible break-always colocalized with MRE11, but not with 53BP1. This pattern suggests that these gH2AX foci may be hallmarks of both microscopically visible and invisible DNA damage, in which an active, although incomplete or halted DDR is taking place.