The effects of 170 keV electron and proton irradiation are investigated on the optical property and the structure of GG17-type borosilicate glasses for the purpose of assessing the suitability of this material for the rubidium lamp envelope, based on GEANT4 simulating calculation, using electron paramagnetic resonance and Fourier transform infrared spectra and optical-transmittance measurements. The Micro-mechanisms on damage of GG17 Glasses are clarified for electron and proton, respectively. For the electron with the energy of 170 keV, defect creation is due to ionization energy losses and the center is mainly boron oxygen hole center (BOHC) formed by one hole trapped on a bridge oxygen structure with [BO4]−. As a result the number of BOHCs grows as the electron fluence increases. However, for the proton with the energy of 170 keV, the creation of structural defects dominates by means of debonding as a result of an atom having been kicked off the structural chain (displacement effect). This leads to the intensive generation of silicon oxygen hole centers, as well as BOHCs, by the holes trapped on non-bridge oxygen.