CAD model of ITER sector with highlighted counters of cable looms and two radiation hot spots.
Introduction and Motivation: In-vessel and Divertor Cable LoomsELM, invessel coils, blanket manifolds
Distribution of the MCNP voxels in the poloidal direction along the in-vessel looms (outboard-VV, UP, top-VV, inboard-VV, divertor cassette region), Lower Port (LP).Arkady • The major transmutation of gold and copper is observed on the (n,g) radiative capture reactions.• The maximum transmutation was observed in gold, amounted 3 atom% for the highest radiation spot at the in-vessel loom, and 1 atom% for the divertor cassette. • Transmutation of copper is 100 times less than gold; it is 0.03 atom% for the hot-spot at divertor and 0.01 atom% for in-vessel loom.
Transmutation of Copper and Gold
AcknowledgmentThis work has been funded by the ITER Organization under the ITER contract Nr. IO/4300000896 using an adaptation of the B-lite MCNP models. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the ITER Organization. Neutron fluence distributions for the loom along the divertor cassette lateral side #2.