Electromagnetic waves that have a wavelength of less than one millimeter are referred to as sub millimeter waves. In sub millimeter wave-based devices and systems, antennas are critical components that are vital to their operation. Antennas are used in situations when a transition between a directed wave and a free-space wave is needed. Since, electromagnetic characteristics for receiving and transmission of the nano antenna are mutually invertible, the properties of nano antenna are analyzed in sub millimeter wave frequencies and this overcomes the limitations of conventional antenna design. They are very small in size, provide more efficiency, and do not cause health threat. This paper reviews the applications of nano antenna, which operates at sub-millimeter wave frequency, in the field of energy harvesting, space technology, IoT applications, 5G network, smart clothing, bio sensing, communication, etc? Also, the nano antenna fabricated by 3D printing technology is also reviewed. The world’s ever-increasing energy need necessitates the development of alternate energy sources. There is a lot of research and development going on right now to enhance photovoltaic systems so that they can be more efficient, but the constraint is that they can only collect energy from the visible area of the electromagnetic spectrum. As a result, a novel device known as a Nano antenna has been developed to convert heat energy taken from the infrared spectrum into electricity. In the not-too-distant future, it will have an impact on a wide range of fields, such as mobile communication (5G), radar detection, and higher order frequency applications. Space communication, broadband wireless communications, wireless optical communication, and mobile communication will also benefit from its implementation.