SI (semi-insulating) LEC (Liquid Encapsulated Czochralsky) GaAs (gallium arsenide) Schottky barrier detectors have been irradiated with high energy protons (24 GeV/c, fluence up to 1 6 . 4 5~1 0 '~ p/cm2). The detectors have been characterised in terms of I/V curves, charge collection efficiency (cce) for incident 5.48 MeV a-, 2 MeV proton and minimum ionizing P-particles and of cce maps by microprobe technique IBIC (Ion Beam Induced Charge).At the highest fluence a significant degradation of the electron and hole collection efficiencies and a remarkable improvement of the FWHM energy resolution have been measured with aand proton particles. Furthermore the reduction in the cce is greater than the one measured with pparticles and the energy resolution worsens with increasing the applied bias, V,, above the voltage Va necessary to extend the electric field all the way to the ohmic contact. On the contrary, in the unirradiated detectors the charge collection efficiencies with a-, pand proton particles are quite similar and the energy resolution improves with increasing V, > Vd.IBIC spectra and IBIC space maps obtained by scanning a focused (8 pm' ) 2 MeV proton microbeam on front (Schottky) and back (ohmic) contacts, support the observed electric field dependence of the energy resolution both in unirradiated and most irradiated detectors.The results obtained let us explain the effect of the electric field strength and the plasma on the collection of the charge carriers and the FWHM energy resolution.