A new kind of positron sources for future linear colliders, where the converter is an aligned tungsten crystal, oriented on the 111 axis, has been studied at CERN in the WA103 experiment with tertiary electron beams from the SPS. In such sources the photons resulting from channeling radiation and coherent bremsstrahlung create the e + e − pairs. Electron beams, of 6 and 10 GeV, were impinging on different kinds of targets: a 4 mm thick crystal, a 8 mm thick crystal and a compound target made of 4 mm crystal followed by 4 mm amorphous disk. An amorphous tungsten target 20 mm thick was also used for the sake of comparison with the 8 mm crystal and to check the ability of the detection system to provide the correct track reconstruction. The charged particles coming out from the target were detected in a drift chamber immersed partially in a magnetic field. The reconstruction of the particle trajectories provided the energy and angular spectrum of the positrons in a rather wide energy range (up to 150 MeV) and angular domain (up to 30 degrees). The experimental