The 488 nm excited luminescence spectrum of Cs2ZrBr6 : UBr6 ~-between 20 200-9050 cm -x has been recorded at liquid helium temperatures. We present a complete analysis of the extensive vibronic structure associated with 32 electronic transitions, involving luminescence from four excited states, (lI6)aFs, 3P1(F4), 1G4(F1) and (3H6)bF 5. The first of these is identified from magnetic dipole intensity calculations. The 19 transitions from (l16)aF5 which are observed in this spectral region each show well-resolved progressions on vibronic origins in the totally symmetric mode, vl, and in the Jahn-Teller mode, vs. The temperature and concentration dependence, and the decay kinetics of the luminescence are discussed.