We calculate and compare bremsstrahlung and collisional energy loss of hard partons traversing a quark-gluon plasma. Our treatment of both processes is complete at leading order in the coupling and accounts for the probabilistic nature of the jet energy loss. We find that the nuclear modification factor RAA for neutral π 0 production in heavy ion collisions is sensitive to the inclusion of collisional and radiative energy loss contributions while the averaged energy loss only slightly increases if collisional energy loss is included for parent parton energies E ≫ T . These results are important for the understanding of jet quenching in Au+Au collisions at 200 AGeV at RHIC. Comparison with data is performed applying the energy loss calculation to a relativistic ideal (3+1)-dimensional hydrodynamic description of the thermalized medium formed at RHIC.Introduction -Relativistic heavy ion collisions are designed to produce and study strongly interacting matter at high temperatures and densities. Experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have demonstrated that high p T hadrons in central A + A collisions are significantly suppressed in comparison with those in binary p + p collisions, scaled to nucleus-nucleus collisions [1,2,3]. This result has been referred to as jet quenching and has been attributed to the energy loss of hard p T partons due to induced gluon bremsstrahlung in a hot quark-gluon plasma. Bremsstrahlung energy loss has been calculated in several theoretical formalisms before [4,5,6,7,8,9]. Recently such bremsstrahlung calculations were implemented in models employing relativistic ideal (3+1)-dimensional hydrodynamics in order to calculate the nuclear modification factor R AA of neutral pions at RHIC [10,11,12]. Early estimates of the collisional energy loss which used asymptotic arguments indicated that the radiative energy loss is much larger than elastic energy loss [13]. Zakarhov compared radiative energy loss in the light-cone path integral approach and collisional energy loss employing the Bjorken method and concluded collisional energy loss is relatively small in comparison to the radiative one [7]. Renk derives phenomenological limits on radiative vs. collisional energy loss by considering quadratic vs. linear pathlength dependence and concludes that any elastic energy loss component has to be small [14]. In contrast, Mustafa and Thoma find that collisional energy loss has a significant influence on jet quenching [15,16]. Recent studies by Gyulassy and collaborators also point in this direction, see e.g. [17,18].The purpose of this study is to consistently incorporate collisional and radiative energy loss in the same formalism and to employ this formalism in a realistic description of energy loss of hard p T leading partons in the soft nuclear medium as described by (3+1)-dimensional hydrodynamics in 200 AGeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC.We will emphasize three points (the first two of which have been elucidated earlier [19] for bremsstrahlung energy loss). First, in many previous a...