“…The situation has now changed and there has been, in recent years, a revival of interest for the doubly ionized species of the lanthanides. In particular, we have started a systematic investigation of the line intensities in these spectra Send offprint requests to: E. Biémont or P. Quinet e-mail: E.Biemont@ulg.ac.be or quinet@umh.ac.be within the framework of the DREAM project (for more details, see http://www.umh.ac.be/∼astro/dream.shtml) and extensive tables of transition probabilities, tested in many cases by comparison with laser lifetime measurements, have been obtained for most of the doubly ionized elements of the group (Biémont et al 1999(Biémont et al , 2001a(Biémont et al ,b,c,d, 2002Fedchak et al 2000;Li et al 2001;Palmeri et al 2000;Zhang et al 2001aZhang et al , 2002a. The case of Gd III has not been considered so far and, for this reason, the first results are presented in the present paper.…”