In this work, we propose minimal realizations for generating Dirac neutrino masses in the context of a right-handed abelian gauge extension of the Standard Model. Utilizing only U (1) R symmetry, we address and analyze the possibilities of Dirac neutrino mass generation via (a) tree-level seesaw and (b) radiative correction at the one-loop level. One of the presented radiative models implements the attractive scotogenic model that links neutrino mass with Dark Matter (DM), where the stability of the DM is guaranteed from a residual discrete symmetry emerging from U (1) R . Since only the right-handed fermions carry non-zero charges under the U (1) R , this framework leads to sizable and distinctive Left-Right asymmetry as well as Forward-Backward asymmetry discriminating from U (1) B−L models and can be tested at the colliders.We analyze the current experimental bounds and present the discovery reach limits for the new heavy gauge boson Z at the LHC and ILC. Furthermore, we also study the associated charged lepton flavor violating processes, dark matter phenomenology and cosmological constraints of these models. * metry [30] for generating the Dirac neutrino mass [28,[31][32][33][34][35]. Both of the two possibilities are attractive and can be regarded as the minimal gauge extensions of the SM. However, the phenomenology of U (1) R model is very distinctive compared to the U (1) B−L case. In the literature, gauged U (1) B−L symmetry has been extensively studied whereas gauged U (1) R extension has received very little attention.Unlike the U (1) B−L case, in our set-up, the SM Higgs doublet is charged under this U (1) R symmetry to allow the desired Yukawa interactions to generate mass for the charged fermions, this leads to interactions with the new gauge boson that is absent in U (1) B−L model. The running of the Higgs quartic coupling gets modified due to having such interactions with the new gauge boson Z that can make the Higgs vacuum stable [36]. Due to the same reason, the SM Higgs phenomenology also gets altered [37].We show by detail analysis that despite their abelian nature, U (1) R and U (1) B−L have distinguishable phenomenology. The primary reason that leads to different features is:U (1) R gauge boson couples only to the right-handed chiral fermions, whereas U (1) B−L is chirality-universal. As a consequence, U (1) R model leads to large left-right (LR) asymmetry and also forward-backward (FB) asymmetry that can be tested in the current and future colliders that make use of the polarized initial states, such as in ILC. We also comment on the differences of our U (1) R scenario with the other U (1) R models existing in the literature. Slightly different features emerge as a result of different charge assignment of the righthanded neutrinos in our set-up for the realization of Dirac neutrino mass. In the existing U (1) R models, flavor universal charge assignment for the right-handed neutrinos are considered and neutrinos are assumed to be Majorana particles. Whereas, in our set-up, neutrinos are Dira...