The photon spectrum from the pion-capture reaction TT"" + 3 H-* 3w+y was measured with a high-re solution pair spectrometer. The measured branching ratio (7T + 3 H-* 3«+y)/(7r" + 3 H-* Sn+y or 3n) is (4.5 ±0.8)%. The shape of the photon spectrum is in satisfactory agreement with theoretical calculations which include final-state interactions among the three neutrons. No evidence for a bound trineutron is found.In only a few reactions can one investigate the A = 3 system in a pure T =| state. Bound and unbound states of the 3p and 3n systems have been searched for in various reactions involving pion, 1 nucleon, 2 and mass-3 (Ref. 2) projectiles on 3 H, 3 He, and heavier targets. Nevertheless, the available data on the existence of T-\ resonances and possible bound 3n states are scarce, inconclusive, and sometimes conflicting. All reactions previously studied are plagued by the fact that although a 3p or 3n system is produced, at least one additional strongly interacting particle is in the final state. The reaction on which we report here, u' + 3 H-* 3n+y, has only an extra photon in the final state. Our previous experiment, 3 ir" + 3 Re~+d+n+y and/) +n+n+y, demonstrated that radiative capture of stopped pions produces final states in which three nucleons are preferentially found with low relative momenta -a favorable situation for the search of resonant states. None were found, but since the T = \ channel contributed most of the rate (82%), 4 possible structures of the weaker T =f channel could have been obscured.Additional interest in this reaction is in the 3 H-7r atomic physics. The hydrogen isotopes are unique in the field of n"-capture studies, since the pions are exclusively absorbed from Is orbits. 5 Since the s -state radiative ir -capture transition rates can be calculated quite accurately 4 in the impulse approximation as well as with the approach using partial conservation of axial-vector current plus soft-pion theorems, 6 the measured branching ratios can be used together with the theoretical radiative rates to predict "experimental" strong absorption s level widths. These then are used to test assumptions of the two-nuclear absorption model, 4 the evaluation of which is particularly significant for the three-nucleon system.The experiment was performed in the low-energy pion (LEP) channel of the Clinton P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF). Figure 1 shows the experimental setup. A beam spot size of ~ 3 cmx 4 cm (rms) focused 22.2 m from the pion production target was achieved for a v m momentum of 200 MeV/c with bp/p =±1%, and LEPchannel solid angle of 17.6 msr. Typical rates were 2.4x 10 5 ?r"/sec in the first two elements of our beam telescope, and 2x 10 3 7r"/sec stopping in the 3 H target. The tritium target cell 7 made of a stainless-steel (type 304) cylinder (Fig. 1, inset) was oriented with its axis perpendicular to the beam. For calibration purposes, an identical cell filled with liquid hydrogen was mounted on the same mobile boom. The operating temperatures (densities) for the 1 H 2 and ...