The relative strength (A5' = 1)/[(A5'=0)4-(A5'==1)] of isovector spin excitations, P^u in the highlying resonance region of '^C was investigated with the (^Li,''Be) reaction at EL =*26 MeV/nucleon and ^L =0° by separately measuring the (^Li,^Beg.s.) and (''Li,^Beo.43Mev) reaction channels with the ^Be-/ coincidence technique. The relative strength Psf was derived up to an excitation energy of 18 MeV in '^B and found to have a constant value of 0.4-0.5 for the continuum irrespective of excitation energy and 0.5 for the isovector dipole resonance centered at Ex =7.6 MeV. PACS numbers: 25.7aEf, 24.30.Cz, The relative strength (A5' = 1)/[(A5'=0) + (A5' = 1)] of spin excitations, P^u is defined aswhere a{/S.S =0) and G{/S.S = I) denote the cross sections resulting from AS'^O and A5' = l spin transfers in nuclei, respectively. Measurements of Fsf provide important information on the nuclear spin-isospin response function. So far, for isovector excitations, Psf has been investigated with the spin-flip probability, 5yvA^, observed by using polarized protons, especially, in the ^ji) reaction [1]. The relative strength Psf is directly related to 5' yvyv [2] aswhere a is the spin-flip probability for AS = 1 transitions and is expressed as a combination of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients [3,4]. Thus, the (p,Jt) reaction has been an excellent spectroscopic tool with AT^ = -1 for wellresolved states and isolated resonances. However, for excitations in a continuum where states excited via various values of AL, A/, and AS coexist, a nuclear structure model is needed in order to derive Psf from ^' yvA' , because a in Eq.(2) depends on AL and AJ as well as AS [3]. Therefore, in order to provide definite information on Psf for the continuum containing overlapping resonances, another tool is necessary, in which no nuclear structure model need be included. The (^Li,'^Be) reaction provides, independent of the nuclear structure model, the relative strength Psf even for the continuum and overlapping resonances. In this reaction, ^Be ejectiles are populated in either the ground state (y~;^Beo) or the first excited state (y ~,^;c=0.43 MeV; ^Bei) (ejectile excitation). Under the assumption of dominance of a one-step reaction process, the (^Li, ^Beo) reaction proceeds through either A5'=0 or 1, and the (^Li,^Bei) reaction proceeds predominantly through AS = 1 [5,6]. We have shown that these two reaction channels are separately measured by using a ^Be-/ coincidence technique [7]. Magnitudes of the A5=0 and AS = 1 excitations can be derived from transitions to a high-lying resonance region as well as discrete states by comparing the cross sections for the ^Beo and ^Bei reaction channels. Therefore, the (^Li,^Be) reaction is an unambiguous, ATz = -^\, probe for obtaining Psf, with typically better energy resolution than the (p,Ji) reaction because ^Be ejectiles may be detected by a magnetic spectrograph.In this Letter, we report on a measurement of the relative strength of isovector spin excitations in the continuum and giant resonance regions of ...