Second-order time asymptotic solutions extending far downstream are presented for hypervelocity blunt-body flowfields including coupled nongray radiation. Shapes considered are sphere-cones and blunted conical shapes with continuous curvature. Numerical calculations treat the shock as a discrete surface, and it is assumed that the flow is inviscid, nonconducting, and axisymmetric. Thermochemical equilibrium is assumed. Radiation is accounted for with an eight-step model absorption coefficient including line, band, and continuum radiation. Results include shock shapes, radiative heating distributions, and profiles through the shock layer of pertinent thermodynamic and flow quantities. A parametric analysis is made of radiating flows over sphere-cones. Comparisons with other investigators are made, where possible.
NomenclatureA,B,C,D,E = defined by Eq. (5) B v = nondimensional blackbody function 5 = speed of light, m/sec E n = exponential integral function of order n, E n (y) = e-y* t~n dt 9 h h P I v K k Pi,P* P -nondimensional divergence of the radiation flux vector = general parameter representing p,u, v, or p nondimensional enthalpy = Planck's constant, joule-sec = nondimensional specific radiation intensity = defined by Eqs. (5) = Boltzmann constant, joules/°K = defined by Eqs. (5) = nondimensional pressure = nondimensional radiative heat flux to body = nose radius, m f = nondimensional radial coordinate s = nondimensional radiation path length Presented as Paper 70-865 at