The electrochemical reduction of several α,β-epoxyketones was studied using cyclic (linear sweep) voltammetry, convolution voltammetry, and homogeneous redox catalysis. The results were reconciled to pertinent theories of electron transfer. α,β-Epoxyketones undergo dissociative electron-transfer reactions with CÀ O bond cleavage, via both stepwise and concerted mechanisms, depending on their structure. For aliphatic ketones, the preferred mechanism of reduction is consistent with the "sticky" concerted model for dissociative electron transfer. Bond cleavage occurs simultaneously with electron transfer, and there is a residual, electrostatic interaction in the ring-opened (distonic) radical anion. In contrast, for aromatic ketones, because the ring-closed radical anions are resonancestabilized and exist at energy minima, a stepwise mechanism operates (electron transfer and bond cleavage occur in discrete steps). The rate constants for ring opening are on the order of 10 8 s À 1 , and not significantly affected by substituents on the 3membered ring (consistent with CÀ O bond cleavage). These results and conclusions were fully supported and augmented by molecular orbital calculations.