Current tecliniq~~cs employed in scintillation detection of beta enlitters ~l r e reviewed.Internal liquid scintillation counting, with a number of h o~n o g e l~e o~~s ti~ised solvent systems, is described. EIeterogcneous counting systems containing radioactive nlaterial ill the dtspersed phase include scintillating gcls, thicliened scintillators, and e n~~~l s i o n s , and a number of u~ethods embodyi~ig direct counting of active cleposits on filter paper. I-Ieterogeneous syste~ns with the radioactive inaterial in the continuous phase are described and include plastic capillary counters, plastic filaments, or organic crystals wetted with aqueous solutions.
INTIIODUCTIONInternal sample scintillation c o u~~t i l~g provides inherent advantages of high sensitivity, energy discrimination, 4a geometry, and lower bacligrouild for a given sainple size.Comparisons bet117een different counting methods are often misleading, but it is nevertheless instructive to try to assess the potentialities and inerits of different counting techniques.Guinn ( I ) , for example, colllpared Geiger and liquid scintillatioil counting of beta emitters. He drew the distinction between "absolute sensitivity" i.e. the minimum amount of an isotope detectable to a given standard deviation in a reasonable counting time, and "concentration sensitivity", which represents the minimuin concentration detectable under the same conditions. Gas counting inethods furnished superior or equal absolute sensitivities to those attainable with liquid scintillation counting. The merits of liquid scintillation counting were evident when the concentration seilsitivities were compared. Here results that were superior by orders of magnitude to those attainable with gas counting methods were obtained for isotopes of low energy. The superiority of liquid scintillation counting in this coinparison is primarily a reflection of the much larger quantity of isotope which call be iiltroduced into the countiilg voluines with this method.The technical problems eilcouiltered in the application of internal sciiltillatioil counting inethods stein priinarily froin two sources: (1) sainple illsolubility and (2) quenching effects. The poteiltialities of the couilting technique cannot, in general, be realized if the sample cannot be incorporated effectively illto the counting volun~e. Since the choice of liquid scintillator solvent is limited to relatively non-polar compounds, the assay of many samples is hindered by the relative insolubility of the illaterial in the scintillator solution. The use of mixed solvents may in many instances partially overcoine these difficulties, but generally, this is a t the expense of a decreased luminescent output with accoinpanying losses in counting efficiency (2, 3, 4, 5).Even when the sainple is directly soluble in the scintillator solution the quenching effects of various polar groups may result in a serious reduction in luminescent efficiency and of detection sensitivity (6). Furthermore, light absorption, particularly by colored co...