Earth-based observations are complicated by the opacity of Earth's ionosphere at very low frequencies and strong man-made radio frequency interference. This explains long-standing interest in building a low-frequency radio telescope on the farside of the Moon. Experience from ground-based observations near the ionospheric cutoff in dealing with the interference, ionosphere, and wide-field imaging/dynamic range problems provides crucial information for future radio-astronomic experiments on the Moon. In this purpose, we observed nonintensive solar bursts on the example of solar drift pairs (DPs) at decameter-meter wavelengths with large and small arrays as well as by a single-crossed active dipole. We used the large Ukrainian radio telescope UTR-2, the URAN-2 array, a subarray of the giant Ukrainian radio telescope (GURT), and a single-crossed active dipole to get the spectral properties of radio bursts in the frequency range of 8-80 MHz during solar observations on July 12, 2017. Statistical analysis of upper and lower frequencies, at which DPs are recorded, shows that the occurrence of forward DPs is more preferable at lower frequencies of the decameter range of observations in comparison with reverse DPs generated more likely in meter wavelengths. We conclude that DPs can be detected not only by antenna arrays, but even by a single-crossed active dipole. Thus, the latter antenna has good potential for future low-frequency radio telescopes on the Moon.