In accord with as-low-as-reasonably-achievable and goodmanufacturing-practice concepts, the present study evaluated the efficiency of radioactivity decontamination of materials commonly used in laboratory surfaces and whether solvent spills on these materials affect the findings. Methods: Four materials were evaluated: stainless steel, a surface comprising one-third acrylic resin and two-thirds natural minerals, an epoxy cover, and vinyl-based multipurpose flooring. Radioactive material was eluted from a 99 Mo/ 99m Tc generator, and samples of the surfaces were control-contaminated with 37 MBq (100 μL) of this eluate. The same procedure was repeated with samples of surfaces previously treated with 4 solvents: methanol, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone, and ethanol. The wet radioactive contamination was allowed to dry and then was removed with cotton swabs soaked in soapy water. The effectiveness of decontamination was defined as the percentage of activity removed per cotton swab, and the efficacy of decontamination was defined as the total percentage of activity removed, which was obtained by summing the percentages of activity in all the swabs required to complete the decontamination. Results: Decontamination using our protocol was most effective and most efficacious for stainless steel and multipurpose flooring. Moreover, treatment with common organic solvents seemed not to affect the decontamination of these surfaces. Decontamination of the other two materials was less efficient and was interfered with by the organic solvents; there was also great variability in the overall results obtained for these other two materials. Conclusion: In expanding our laboratory, it is possible for us to select those surface materials on which our decontamination protocol works best. Deal ing with open sources of radioactivity in the radiopharmacy is a daily task. For that reason, contamination due to radioactive spills may be as frequent as or more frequent than in other areas of the nuclear medicine department or other radioactive facilities (1). The main consequences of contamination of the radiopharmacy working surfaces are an increase in the radiation exposure of personnel (2,3) and the possibility that their hands, face, and outer clothing will be contaminated (4-6). Furthermore, such external contamination may allow radioactive material to enter the systemic circulation and then be taken up by organs. In addition, the contamination of surfaces is an important issue because it may facilitate cross contamination of reactive products handled in the radiopharmacy. Therefore, contamination constitutes a risk to the health of exposed workers and its removal is the most straightforward approach to reducing such a hazard. Nuclear and health regulations reinforce the requirements for decontamination and cleaning procedures based both on principles of radiation protection, such as ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable), and good manufacturing and laboratory practices (7-12).Several formulations for decontamination are commercially av...