ABSTRA CT . Elec tri cal res isti vity sounding, usin g electrodes whic h are lowered direc tl y to th e ice-rock interface in bore holes, is proposed as a technique for stud ying the exact position of glacier beds, as well as their lithologica l ch a rac teristics. A test study is d escribed on G rubeng letscher, a pa rtially cold Alpin e glacier in Switzerl a nd. Res ul ts of so undings a long a 400 m long p rofil e indicate that previo us depth determina ti o ns, based on radio echo -soundings, were in gene ral accura te to w ithin less than 50/ 0 of the ac tu al ice thic kness. The resu lts also sho w th at the glacie r rests o n nonconsolid a ted sedimen ts of considera ble thi ckness. The proposed me thod could add substa nti al inform ati o n a bo ut g lacie r sliding a nd g la cier e rosion, if a pplied al o ngsid e conve ntional d ee p drilling projec ts.
I NTRODUCTI ONThe beds of existing glaciers are characterized by a wide variety of morphological and lithological conditions . These beds may be rough or smooth depending on the scale considered, and they may consist of rock or unconsolidated sediments. Sediments at glacier beds mayor may not be frozen, and they mayor may not contain ground-water. To know what conditions exist at the glacier bed in a specific case is important for several reasons.Practical applications in connection with the planning and operation of Alpine hydroelectric power stations, such as the installation of subglacial water intakes or rock galleries for water adduction, may require the exact position and the lithological characteristics of glaCier beds (e.g . Bezinge and others, 1973;Vivian and Zumstein, 1973; Wold and 0strem, 1979). From a scientific point of view, knowledge about glacier bed characteristics is essentially relevant to studies done on glacier sliding, (Ll iboutry, 1979;Weertman, 1979;Iken, 1981; Iken and others, 1983) and to those which deal with processe~ of glacier erosion (Boulton, 1979;Collins, 1979;Rothlisberger and Iken, 1981).Commercial projects mainly utilize core drillings, either from the glacier surface downwards or from already existing rock galleries upwards, to probe the glaCier bed. Scientific studies have to try less expensive methods, such as hot-water drilling (e . g. Iken and others, 1977), geophysical soundings (Susstrunk, 1951;Rothlisberger, 1967;Robin, 1975) observations with bore-hole cameras (Engelhardt and others, 1978), or observations in ice tunnels (Boulton, 1979). All these methods furnish information of limited accuracy or point information only. This paper proposes a method by which it is hoped to be able partially to fill this gap: electrical resistivity soundings of glacier beds . Elektrisc he Widerstandssondierunge n mit El e ktrod en, di e in Bohrloche rn direkt a n d e r Eisunte rg re nze in stallie rt we rde n, wcrd en fU r die U nte rsuc hung d er genau en Lage und der lithologischen Charakteristik von G letscherbetten vorgeschl agen. Eine T estmess ung am G rubengletsche r, einem teil weise ka lte n Gletsche r der Schwe...