Abstrllct-This paper presents a computational paral lelization strategy applied in propagation models based 00 3D ray-tracing tecbniques. This approach considers that the rays are independent from each other, what aHows a uniform division of the tasks by equal and random distribution of rays among tbe parallel computer nodes. Tbe strategy efficiency is proved by simulation wbere tbe results are discussed.Index Terms-Parallel computing, cluster of PC's, 3D Ray tracing.
I. INT RODUCTIONThe great growth in mobile communications needs fast and accurate prediction of radio wave propagation for system deployment Such predictions can represent an important role in determining network parameters includ ing coverage, transmitted-data rates, optimal base station locations, and antenna patterns. In this context, ray-tracing based radio propagation prediction models have shown promise, mainly in modem radio wave propagation en vironments [1]- [6]. Although ray-tracing approaches are very useful in the design, analysis, and deployment of wireless networks, it has been recognized that these models are computationally very expensive and require a con siderable amount of processing time to attain reasonable accurate prediction results [2], [5].A number of approaches has been proposed to shorten the computation time for ray-tracing prediction models. In [2], the complexity of the building databases was reduced by simplifying footprints. Data filtering and cleansing tech niques have been proposed in [6]. In order to address the same problem some procedure approximation methods are also employed in [7]. All these approaches have a common trade-off: they trade prediction accuracy for processing time. A natural way to overcome the above trade-off is to use the parallel and/or distributed computation techniques to speed up computations, while keeping the accuracy intact [5]. More specifically, the usage of a cluster of PC's (sometimes referred as a class of COW's -Cluster of Workstations) is particularly attractive as such computer system confi gurations are readily available at this time.Recently, some parallel computation strategies have been proposed in order to reduce the required compu tational time without affecting the prediction accuracy requirements [5], [8]. In [5], the strategy of parallelization 0-7803-9342-2105/$20.00 @ 2005 IEEE 359 proposed is very complex and difficult to implement. This approach was applied in a 3D ray-tracing model witb some restrictions in the diffraction mechanism (Vertical Plane model) [2] and is very dependent on the SBR algorithm implementation. The parallelization strategy proposed in this paper (proposal. initially idealized in [8]) is very simple to implement computationally and can be applied easily in full 3D ray-tracing channel model without any restrictions if desired. This new approach allows to reduce or even eliminate many restrictions early imposed in ray tracing models by practice reasons (high computational cost), favoring to improve the accuracy and a possibility of incorporating n...