This document describes the Hanford Site environment (Chapter 4.0) and contains data in Chapters 5.0 and 6.0 that will assist users in the preparation of National Environmental Policy Act-(NEPA-) related documents. Many NEPA compliance documents have been prepared and are being prepared by site contractors for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and examination of these doc lrnents reveals inconsistencies in the data presented and the method of presentation. Thus, it seemed necessary to prepare a consistent description of the Hanford Site environment to be used in preparing Chapter 4.0 of environmental impact statements and other site-related NEPA documentation. The material in Chapter 5.0 is a guide to the models used, including critical assumptions incorporated in these models in previous Hanford NEPA documents. The user will have to select those models appropriate for the proposed action. Chapter 6.Q is essentially a definitive NEPA Chapter 6.0, which describes applicable federal and state laws and regulations. In this document, a complete description of the environment is presented in Chapter 4.0 without extensive tabular data. For these data, sources are provided. Most subjects are divided into a general description of the characteristics of the Hanford Site, followed by site-specific information where it is available on the 100, 200, 300, and other Areas. This division will allow a person requiring information to go immediately to those sections of particular interest. However, site-specific information on each of these separate areas is not always complete or available. In this case, the general Hanfotd Site description should be used. To enhance the usability of the document, a copy of the entire text is available on an IBM PC diskette in WordPerfect 5.1 on request to C. E. Cushing at (509) 376-9670. Macintosh diskettes are also available (Wordkrfect). The figures can be obtained by contacting the Boeing Company Services Richland (BCSR) Graphics Department, located in the Pacific Northwest Laboratory Sigma I Building and using the classification number in the lower right corner of each figure. Janelle Downs kindly provided Figure 4.3-1. Following are the personnel responsible for the various sections of this document and who should be contacted with questions: