Abstract-D/H and 180/160 ratios of fumarolic condensate, hot spring water and surface water collected from a volcanic island, Satsuma-Iwojima were determined together with some of chemical components.6D and 6180 of fumarolic condensates range from -27 to -17%o (SMOW) and from +7.3 to +9.5 %o (SMOW), respectively. The high value of 5180 was concluded to be the result of thorough oxygen isotope exchange with ambient andesitic rocks . 6D values are also higher than that of the local surface water, but we could not find a positive evidence that supports the assumption of mixing of the local surface water and sea water.On the basis of the relationship between the concentration of chemical components and isotope ratios of fumarolic condensates, it was concluded that water vapor and chemical components behave independently in an individual fumarole.
INTRODUCTIONSatsuma-Iwojima is a small volcanic island (12 km2) situated about 50km south of Kyushu, Japan (Fig. l ). The island constitutes a part of the somma of the sub merged Kikai caldera of which area is estimated to be 230km2 (MATSUMOTO , 1943). There is an active volcano, Iwodake (703m) on the island . Iwodake is one of the central cones (most of which have been submerged) , and is close to the caldera wall which runs NE-SW across the island. The lava of Iwodake consists mostly of glassy matrix with minor amounts of phenocryst composed of augite , hypersthene, and plagioclase (An 48 58%) (MATSUMOTO, 1951).A submarine eruption with intense earthquakes in 1934 formed a tiny volcanic island (Showa-Iwojima, 0.15 km') about 3 km east of Satsuma-Iwojima , where the water depth was about 300m. (TANAKADATE , 1935).Since a research group of Satsuma-Iwojima was organized in 196 1 , various phases 165 166 S. MATSUO et al. of this volcanic island have been studied such as the chemistry of fumarolic gases (IWASAKI et al., 1962(IWASAKI et al., , 1966, volcanic sublimates , alteration products (YOSHIDA et al., 1969) and hot spring waters (KAMADA, 1964). Even before the organization of the research group, observations of earthquakes during the 1934 eruption (YASUI, 1962), measurements of fumarolic temperatures (KAMADA and OZAWA, 1958), and a petrological study on the lava (MATSUMOTO, 1951(MATSUMOTO, , 1954 The hydrological situation of Satsuma-Iwojima is possibly similar to that of Surtsey Island formed in 1964 some 30km off the south coast of Iceland, and to that of White Island, an andesitic volcano 50km from the coast of Bay of Plenty of New Zealand, since these are solitary volcanic islands in the sea with limited supply of meteoric water. ARNASON and SIGURGEIRSSON (1968) continuously measured the D/H ratio of fu marolic condensates from Surtsey to be about -5 3 ° o (E D, SMOW) with rather narrow spread. This value is quite close to -55 %o of the surface water of the south coast of Iceland. ARNASON and SIGURGEIRSSON (1968) were prudent enough to draw a definite conclusion on the origin of the-water. STEWART and HULSTON (1974) suggested the contribution of sea water to the ...