Konstantinidis, P. and Johnson, G. David 2012. Ontogeny of the jaw apparatus and suspensorium of the Tetraodontiformes. -Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93: 351-366.The jaw apparatus and suspensorium of adult Tetraodontiformes are well adapted to a durophagous feeding habit. Anatomical indicators are the short, stout jaws and a suspensorium in which the quadrate lies in the same vertical plane as the autopalatine. In contrast, the palatoquadrate of larval Tetraodontiformes generally resembles that of larval percomorphs -a more posteriorly positioned quadrate and a slender and long Meckelian cartilage. Among Tetraodontiformes, the Triacanthodidae retain a protrusible upper jaw and a versatile suspensorium. The jaws of the Balistoidei have greater mobility achieved by a reduced autopalatine that has lost its bony contact with the suspensorium. In contrast to the Balistoidei, the beak-like jaws of the Tetraodontoidei lack individual teeth in the biting part of the jaws. The autopalatine is enlarged, which results in immobilization of the ethmopalatine articulation. The Ostraciidae are exceptional in having the distal part of the autopalatine reduced, while the proximal part remains attached to the suspensorium.