The Rose Garden of the University of Bologna, where more than 1000 old and new rose species and cultivars are collected, includes an experimental field for the evaluation of landscape roses under low maintenance conditions, i.e., without irrigation, fertilization, phytosanitary treatments and pruning for the first 5 years after planting, and a mechanical pruning in the 6 th year, just before dormancy breaking. Since 2002, about 160 new cultivars have been tested and characterized. Data concerning morpho-phenological parameters and disease incidence, the flower-cover index (FCI), the ornamental index (OI) and the graphs of flowering trend from April to October were elaborated each year and on average over the first five years after planting for every cultivar. The availability of these data could be very useful for The Rose Garden visitors, hobbyists, breeders, landscapers and nurserymen interested in a deeper information on the cultivars in field. The use of RFID techniques can be an easy means of spreading the experimental results and a way to broadcast changes in the garden, communicating up to date information in the same way as a public museum. The creation of datasheets started with the selection of the most suitable information for two types of users, professional and amateur. Data, recorded in a RFID microchip/cv can be viewed by visitors on personal mobile devices after downloading the app; amateurs have a direct and open access to information concerning commercial names, breeder, horticultural company, genealogy, curiosities and awards for each cultivar. Professionals can access the processed experimental data, too, by using a password sent after the online registration. The label with the cultivar name, used as microchip support, is practical and compatible with the distance for reading the microchip.