A retrospective analysis of the history of the application of the method of radiography in the course of studies of the structure of seeds for the purposes of seed production and seed studies was carried out. It is shown that the beginning of X-ray studies of seeds is directly related to the development in the late 70s of the last century in the Special Design Bureau for X-ray Instruments, Leningrad Association of Electronic Instrumentation “Svetlana” of a specialized X-ray apparatus based on the X-ray emitter REIS with a voltage of 25 kV. The methodological part of the research was provided by the leading specialized enterprises of our country, now they are FSBSI API, FSBI Research Institute for Storage Problems of the Federal Reserve FSBSI FSVC. In the early 2000s, ETU “LETI”, represented by a small enterprise of the Technopark LETI, CJSC “ELTECH-Med”, actively joined the research. LETI is associated with the transition to digital receivers of X-ray images, which made it possible to fundamentally increase the efficiency of research by employees of CJSC “ELTECH-Med” together with specialists from Agrophysical Research Institute, FSBI Research Institute for Storage Problems of the Federal Reserve, FSBSI FSVC developed a number of technical means for obtaining digital 2 and 3 dimensional X-ray images of seeds.