Transitional vertebra has been reported along of the spine in many researches focused especially on carnivores. The current study had the objectives to identify the presence of transitional lumbosacral and sacrocaudal vertebra in domestic mammals, to realize a comparative analysis of the localization and conformation of this abnormal condition. For this purpose the researches included animals belonging to next species: cow – 29 specimens, sheep – 32 specimens, horse – 31 specimens, pig – 26 specimens, rabbit – 33 specimens, dog – 89 specimens and cat – 57 specimens. The most of the animals, respectively their spine were analysed post mortem, after the dissection performed in the anatomy laboratory, except the dogs and 48 cats that were examined radiologically. The investigations revealed the presence of transitional vertebra in all species as follow: in cows – 3 cases (8,7%), all being about the lumbarization of first sacral vertebra (S1); in sheep – 3 cases (9,37%), two lumbarization cases of S1 and one caudalisation of S4 (the last sacral vertebra); in horses – 4 cases (12,9%), all about the sacralisation of Cd1 (first caudal vertebra); in pigs – 3 cases (11,53%), two lumbarisation cases of S1 and one sacralisation of Cd1; in rabbits – 3 cases (9,09%), a lumbar supernumerary vertebra (L8) and two cases of caudalisation of S4; in dogs – 4 cases (4,49%), a lumbar supernumerary vertebra (L8) and 3 cases of sacralisation of last lumbar vertebra (L7 or L8); in cats – 3 cases (5,26%), two sacralisation cases of last lumbar vertebra and one caudalisation of last sacral vertebra (S3). A strong lumbarization process was observed in ruminants (especially in cows), then in pigs, the sacralisation being prevalent in carnivores. The sacrocaudal transitional vertebrae was predominant in horses, but occurred as an ossification process especially in old animals.