Extra-nodal Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (ENHL) of the head and neck is not uncommon and has variable clinical and imaging presentations. It represents about 25% of extra-nodal lymphomas. In addition, lymphoma is the third most common malignancy of the head and neck just after squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and salivary gland neoplasms. Unlike SCC, ENHL usually presents as a well-defined mass in the oral cavity, along the pharyngeal mucosa, sinonasal cavity, orbit, and other different neck spaces. One of the common presentations of ENHL is the glandular type which can arise within the salivary or thyroid glands as marginal zone non-Hodgkin lymphoma. ENHL can infiltrate the bone resembling high grade osseous malignancies. Rarely, ENHL can present as perineural spread without definitive mass and manifest clinically with several neuropathies. In this case series, we presented different imaging features and presentation of ENHL of the head and neck. The knowledge of various presentations of ENHL of the head and neck can help early diagnosis and prompt management of these patients’ population.