Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of implant diameter and bone density on the stability of implants in implant retained overdentures.
Materials and methods:Totally, twenty-one patients with entirely edentulous upper and lower arches were randomly assigned into three groups (Group I, II, II). Group (I): patients are exhibiting type I (D1) bone density. Group (II): patients are exhibiting type II (D2) bone density. Group (III): patients are exhibiting type III (D3) bone density. In each patient, two implants with different diameters (3.5mm and 4 mm)were placed in the intra-foraminal region. Each patient received maxillary conventional complete denture and mandibular implant retained overdenture.Implant stability was measured at implant insertion and after three months.
Results:No statistically significant differences were detected regarding implant stability between groups with different bone densities and different diameters. Although there was an increase in implant stability after three months, differences between groups were statistically nonsignificant.