ibognineantagonismofmorphineinduced locomotor activity and in ibogaine brain levels and metabolism. PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BEHAV 57(4) 809-815, 1997.-The present study demonstrates that the putative antiaddictive agent ibogaine produces more robust behavioral effects in female than in male rats and that these behavioral differences correlate with higher levels of ibogaine in the brain and plasma of female rats. There were no differences in basal locomotor activity between the sexes, and the response of rats to ibogaine differed between the sexes even in the absence of morphine. Five h after receiving ibogaine (40 mg/kg, IP), antagonism ofmorphine-induced locomotor activity was evident in female but not in male rats. Either 19 h after administration of ibogaine (10-60 mglkg. IP), or one h after administration of noribogaine (5-40 mg/kg, IP), a suspected metabolite, antagonism of morphine was significantly greater in female than in male rats. Brain and plasma levels of ibogaine (1 h) and noribogaine (5 h), measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, were greater in females as compared with males receiving the same dose of ibogaine. Levels of both ibogaine and noribogaine were substantially lower at 19 h than at earlier times after ibogaine administration, contrary to a previous study in humans. For both sexes, subcutaneous administration of ibogaine (40 mg/kg. IP. 19 h) produced greater antagonism of morphine-induced locomotor activity than did a comparable intraperitoneal injection, consistent with previous studies from this laboratory demonstrating that the former route of administration produces higher levels of ibogaine in the brain. These data show that there are sex differences in the effects of ibogaine and that this may be due to decreased bioavailability of ibogaine in males as compared to females. 0 1997Elsevier Science Inc.
Ibogaine Noribogaine MorphineLocomotor activity Sex differences Route of administration IBOGAINE, a naturally-occurring indole alkaloid, is currently being investigated as an antiaddictive agent. Anecdotal reports in humans suggest that a single dose of ibogaine can interrupt drug-seeking behavior in addicts for up to 6 months. In rats, ibogaine has been shown to produce prolonged decreases in morphine (5) and cocaine (2,7) self-administration.Ibogaine has also been reported to antagonize morphineinduced dopamine release (14) and to antagonize morphineinduced locomotor activity in rats (1519). The mechanism of action of ibogaine has yet to be determined. Based on studies of ibogaine affinity, ibogaine's mechanism may involve the kappa opioid receptor (3,18.22,24) the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor (8,17,19,20,21,24), or the serotonin transporter (16,24). A metabolite of ibogaine, noribogaine (16), has also been shown to have affinity for these receptors (16,17,18). Noribogaine (12 hydroxyibogamine), like its parent compound, acutely decreases dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens, antagonizes morphine-induced locomotor activity, and decreases morphine and cocaine selfadminis...