Historically, breast augmentation with injectable materials has been performed for decades. However, in the long term all materials led to unfavorable results with serious side effects. Recently, we came across a patient who had performed a breast augmentation using a brand-new Aquafilling® filler. Some insist that it is a very safe filler providing satisfactory improvement in breast shape and volume without any inflammatory reaction or serious adverse effect. Here, we present a 32-year-old woman who experienced severe complications 6 months after bilateral breast augmentation with Aquafilling® filler. The patient suffered from distant filler migration and inflammatory reaction extending from the left upper lateral abdominal wall to the vulva. Radiologic characteristics were very similar to those resulting from polyacrylamide gel (PAAG) mammoplasty. The use of Aquafilling® filler for breast augmentation should be strongly restricted until long-term safety is proved and verified.