Aim: The aim of the study was an assessment of the effects of varicocele on testis parenchyma and microcirculation with the use of the dynamic tissue perfusion measurements. Methods: Color Doppler sonographic dynamic testis parenchyma perfusion measurements were performed with PixelFlux software in 30 children with left testis varicocele. The right testes without varicocele comprised the control group. Results: Testicular parenchymal perfusion in testes with varicocele was reduced when compared to the control testes. The differences were found in all measured perfusion parameters. Statistical significance was found in the case of mean velocity and resistance index parameters. According to the grade of varicocele, the perfusion was the most reduced in patients with grade III of varicocele. Conclusion: Testicular parenchymal perfusion decreases in patients with varicocele, mostly in higher grades of varicocele. In case of validation, the method can be used in determining the damage of the testis with varicocele and the need for surgery.