SRNL-STI-2015-00039 Revision 0 Program Unit Description thermal imagery must make several additional calculations in addition to computing the temperature drop of the cooling water as it passes through the tower. These additional calculations are needed to convert the remotely measured cooling tower throat or area-weighted temperature into a cooling water inlet temperature. The CTTool model thus has two main components: 1) the inner model, which computes the performance of a counterflow or cross-flow cooling tower during induced draft (fan on) or wind-aided/natural draft (fan off), and 2) the outer model, which takes a remotely measured throat or area-weighted that iterates on the inlet water temperature to match the target temperature of interest Files Reads superfile and opens files for input/output. Cmshr Prints the configuration management header. ReadInput Reads and processes all CTTool input parameters and data. Initialization Initializes deck ray tracing arrays. Initializes cooling tower variables and arrays. Observations Loops over observations or images. SurfMetrRSData Updates surface meteorology and remote sensing data for each observation or image. DayTime Converts zday and ztime to local time. DeckRayTracing Assigns material ids to water decks (XFCT), solid deck, exposed throat, deck hidden by fan shroud and throat hidden by fan shroud using ray tracing from sensor line-of-sight to cooling tower. The fractional areas are then computed for each material type. ROI Region-of-Interest. See Appendix A. CFCoolingTower Models the performance of an induced draft or natural draft/wind-aided wet counterflow cooling tower. XFCoolingTower Models the performance of an induced draft or natural draft/wind-aided wet cross-flow cooling tower. DeckHeatTransfer Computes the steady-state deck top surface temperature using an energy balance. ShroudHeatTransfer Computes the steady-state fan shroud inner and outer surface temperatures. The following sections will describe the MDCT models in more detail. SRNL-STI-2015-00039 Revision 0 2.1.1 Inner Model A general numerical model, for predicting the steady-state thermal performance of wet mechanical draft cooling towers, has been developed and is herein described. The model handles both cross-flow and counterflow type cooling towers. With the fan turned-off, a cooling tower can operate in the natural draft/wind-aided mode, and the model can also predict the performance in this mode of operation. It is generally a one-dimensional model, though the heat and mass transfer in the fill sections of a cross-flow cooling tower are treated two-dimensionally. Detailed derivations and descriptions of the governing equations and constitutive relations are presented. The numerical algorithms are also described. The model is written in FORTRAN 95 with a modular structure and dynamic memory allocation. New cooling tower designs can be easily added to the software framework.